Tax Advisor
By providing technology and service focused solutions to the international arena of the oil and gas industry, the PipeCare Group of companies has been helping our customers ensure the integrity of their pipeline and facility assets for over 20 years.
Industry/sector: Oil & Gas / In Line Inspection services.
Position Summary: the general role for Tax Advisor is to find tax solutions to complicated tax issues.
Tax Advisor is responsible for Implements tax strategies, provides advice about taxation legislation and undertakes related accounts administration on behalf of the organizations.
Key Responsibilities & Authorities
- Prepare tax provisions schedules, returns, payments, reports and maintain a company’s tax database.
- Find tax solutions to complicated tax issues or errors from incorrect tax filings.
- Identify legal tax savings and recommend ways to improve profits.
- Make sure that clients comply with federal, state and local tax regulations.
- Advise management about the impact of tax liabilities and corporate strategies or new tax laws.
- Coordinate outsourced tax preparation work.
- Accurately prepare quarterly and annual tax reports.
- Keep up-to-date with tax changes and industry trends by participating in educational opportunities, participating in professional organizations, keeping up with professional networks and reading professional publications
- Preparation of Tax policy & related inter-company transfer pricing policy
- Tax Reporting compliance [for the whole group] with related 3rd party regional tax advisors [On time/accuracy of reporting].
- Tax budget optimization [based on possible returns in various jurisdictions].
- Internal tax compliance [assurance the company or its subsidiaries do not have tax liabilities; esp. permanent establishment related].
- Review /Approval of incoming contracts with respect to Tax Cost & PC Entity to which the contract will be awarded.
- Bachelor's degree in fields like accounting or finance.
- At least min 3 years of professional experience in the preparation of tax returns and must register with the IRS as tax return preparers.
- The candidate must be able to speak and communicate effectively with the clients and others and effectively use reasoning and logic to create strategic approaches to questions.
- Fluency in English is a must.
Physical and Mental Requirements:
- Lifting and Carrying: Ability to lift and carry up to 50 pounds.
- Mobility: Must be able to walk and climb to perform duties, including maneuvering within a refinery or plant environment and accessing elevated platforms via ladders and stairwells.
- Communication: Sufficient clarity of speech and hearing, or other communication capabilities, to communicate effectively.
- Focus and Multitasking: Ability to maintain focus and multitask effectively.
- Safety Equipment: Must be able to wear safety equipment as required by the safety department for personal protection, if/where needed in manufacturing environments.
- Personal Mobility and Reflexes: Sufficient personal mobility and physical reflexes, with or without reasonable accommodations, to perform office duties and travel to off-site locations when necessary.
About PIPECARE Group:
PIPECARE Group offers comprehensive In-Line Inspection Services to identify and size pipeline threats, Utilizing advanced technologies such as Magnetic Flux Leakage, Transverse Field Inspection, Ultrasound, and specialized tools, PIPECARE ensures precise detection and assessment of various pipeline anomalies.
What we do:
In-Line Inspection Services
PIPECARE provides In-Line Inspection Services to locate, identify, and size threats, supporting integrity management requirements.
Check out our AI Technology and other cutting-edge technologies by clicking the following YouTube Links:
SMART AI CALIPER - Inspection experience like never before
Inspection Technologies
Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL): Detects and sizes general corrosion and metal loss anomalies, especially circumferentially oriented.
Transverse Field Inspection (TFI): Detects and sizes general corrosion and metal loss anomalies, primarily axially oriented.
Ultrasound (UT): Detects and sizes general and other metal loss anomalies with high depth sizing accuracy.
Ultrasonic Crack Detection: Detects and sizes cracks and colonies of cracks.
Caliper (Geometry): Detects and sizes deviations in the ideal circular shape of a pipeline (dents, ovalities, wrinkles, etc.).
Specialized Tools and Technologies
Combo Tools: Use multiple measurement systems in various combinations.
Specialized Tubing Technologies: Designed for Furnace and Downhole Operations.
Equal Opportunity Employer: We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, age, national origin, disability status, genetic information, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.